FilterList.load AsyncExperimental

FilterList.load(repo, blob, path, mode, flags).then(function(filterList) {
  // Use filterList
Parameters Type  
repo Repository Repository object that contains path
blob Blob The blob to which the filter will be applied (if known)
path String Relative path of the file to be filtered
mode Number Filtering direction (WT->ODB or ODB->WT)
flags Number Combination of git_filter_flag_t flags
FilterList Output newly created git_filter_list (or NULL)

FilterList#applyToBlob AsyncExperimental

filterList.applyToBlob(blob).then(function(buf) {
  // Use buf
Parameters Type  
blob Blob the blob to filter
Buf buffer into which to store the filtered file

FilterList#applyToData AsyncExperimental

filterList.applyToData(in).then(function(buf) {
  // Use buf
Parameters Type  
in Buf Buffer containing the data to filter
Buf Buffer to store the result of the filtering

FilterList#applyToFile AsyncExperimental

filterList.applyToFile(repo, path).then(function(buf) {
  // Use buf
Parameters Type  
repo Repository the repository in which to perform the filtering
path String the path of the file to filter, a relative path will be taken as relative to the workdir
Buf buffer into which to store the filtered file